Quebec Bedroom Furniture Manufacturers

Quebec Bedroom Furniture Manufacturers

Bestar, A Quebec Based Furniture Manufacturer

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Bestar, A Quebec Based Furniture Manufacturer

Where does your furniture come from? Where was it made and designed? Who are the people behind the scenes of the Quebec-made furniture industry? M2GO presents Bestar, a proudly Canadian furniture manufacturer!

Bestar is one of the most important manufacturers of furniture in Canada! The combination of style and quality make it a perfect choice when it's time to purchase your furniture, wether it's for your bedroom, your home office or your living room. M2GO got in touch with Martin Tardif, Vice-President of Business Development and Products at Bestar, to know a bit more about their company.

M2GO: Tell us how Bestar was founded!

Martin: Bestar's long history began in Sainte-Martine de Courcelles, where the company was founded by Jean-Marie Tardif. At the time, the company manufactured assembled fine craft furniture, such as coffee tables, solid wood rocking chairs and bookstands. The name of the company is formed by the first letters from the names of its two founding directors: J. Besner and J.M. Tardif.

M2GO: Where is your factory located?

Martin: The main factory is located in Lac-Mégantic. We've opened our second factory in Sherbrooke last November.

M2GO: How many employees work with you?

Martin : 240 at this time.

M2GO : What are the values of your company?

Martin: Sincerity, transparency and commitment.

M2GO: What is coming up for Bestar?

Martin: Bestar has planned to add 250 new products in 2020. Home offices will be in the spotlight considering our current situation of the Covid-19. Regarding this, Bestar wishes everyone a good health and courage!

Quebec Bedroom Furniture Manufacturers


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